It came to our attention that there are presence of counterfeit Heliocare in the market. To address this issue, counterfeit Heliocare sunscreens were dispatched to Cantabria Labs’ facilities,
We have received many enquiries regarding the authenticity of your Heliocare products. Now, all you need to do is scan to verify your Heliocare products in 3 easy steps!
Oral sunblock’s increased popularity has certainly evoked a lot of discussion among consumers, which inevitably leads to myths and speculation.
Sunscreen is a daily must-have for everyone – whether you are indoors or outdoors, fair or dark, male or female, everyone needs to use a good sunscreen to prevent much-dreaded UV damage.
Although some of us may find ourselves skipping out on certain steps and using some products a lot less frequently, there are still a few non-negotiables that you can’t take out from your daily routines.
Skin cancer is one of the top 10 most frequent cancers in Singapore, representing the sixth most common cancer in males and seventh in females.
Many of us are actually guilty of not doing our sun care properly – and chances are that you may not even realise that you’ve been making mistakes!
We cut through the confusing jargon and share what you need to know about sun protection measurements on your sunscreen packaging.
The good news is that it is completely possible to slow down photoaging – the key to doing so is understanding how and why photoaging happens.
We break down the science behind this common skin issue and share expert-approved tips to help you achieve your skin goals.